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Article: Our Most Budget Friendly Product Is...

Our Most Budget Friendly Product Is...

Hi, friends!


At SBA, we try and keep things as budget-friendly as possible while also sourcing the highest quality ingredients from around the world.


All of this to say, we try and help your pockets as much as possible!


So, with budget and pricing in mind, we'd like to highlight one of our products that sometimes gets a bit overlooked.


If you're someone who likes to buy single-use face masks or eye masks and ends up paying upwards of $5-$10 per mask... this one is ESPECIALLY for you.


At only $20, our Reusable Eye Masks are one of our most budget-friendly products yet! Think about it... Just use these three or four times and they've already paid for themselves... then, every time you use them from that point on, you're saving at least $5+ per use (girl math).


They can be reused until they wear out, which will be a very long time because of the medical grade, non-porous high-quality silicone material used for this product. Plus, they're thinner than other eye masks which makes them more comfortable to wear. Just use a very small amount of one of our serums, or the Blue Tansy Moisturizing HA Cream, underneath and you're all good to go. Most ladies love using our Awake Coffee Serum under the Reusable Eye Masks because the caffeine in the serum has so many incredible nutrients and has a brightening effect that we and other SBA customers love.


Another highlight of this budget-friendly product is that our Reusable Eye Masks are very easy to clean. This is one thing that is mentioned in reviews about this product. How easy they are to clean and store! We love a hassle-free skincare treatment around here.

Check out the video below to see how to apply them...

Read some recent reviews about this product in conjunction with our Awake Coffee Serum below:

"You don't know what your missing out on, these are a MUST!! crazy easy to use and clean. I now can not live without them!" - Emily

"Oh my! I'd searched high and low for a product that would help my puffy eyes. The Lord heard my prayer when SBA launched the reusable eye masks. Thank you, Jesus! It's been joy unspeakable ever since receiving them. I noticed a difference immediately and now use them EVERY DAY. They're simply the best." - Renee

"As a mom of a toddler I always have bags under my eyes. This product not only smells amazing but it also has helped me look less tired :) highly recommend it." - Yetzeli

​Click here to hop on over to our website to learn more about this product... there are a few more details on there about how to best use these Reusable Eye Masks + our bundle deal when you purchase the Awake Coffee Serum & Reusable Eye Masks together.

If you haven't already, try this product out and let us know what you think! It may just become one of your new skincare staples. =)

Here for you,

Brier C. & Chelsea Henderson (Founder & Herbalist)

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